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Personnel licensing

The Licensing Department conducts issuance, validation and verification procedures of aviation personnel licenses.

A license is tool by means of which the State authorizes the certificate holder to carry out specific activities that may endanger international aviation safety, if not properly executed.

The license serves as evidence that the issuing state has ensured that the license holder has demonstrated an internationally acceptable level of qualification. 

Important information relating Licensing of aviation personnel

The Department of Licensing is notifying that effective February 1, 2024, the requirements of the selection, qualification compliance, and designation criteria of instructors for flight operations officer/flight dispatcher training must be met.

Selection, qualification compliance, and designation criteria of instructors for flight operations officer

The Licensing Department of the “Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan” JSC notifies that the Order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 167 dated March 17, 2023 "On approval of the list of paid services of an authorized organization in the area of civil aviation and payment rates in the area of civil aviation" is coming into force on the 1st of July 2023.

The full list of paid services can be found by the link

In addition, it is necessary to review the Rules for collection of payments in the area of civil aviation of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 24, 2023 No. 177. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 27, 2023 No. 32120   https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V2300032120

Starting from February 6, 2022, the validity period of all types of certificates of aviation personnel, with the exception of certificates of aircraft maintenance personnel and flight support officer (flight dispatcher), is determined solely by the validity period of the qualification marks and (or) medical report contained therein.

Thus, the procedure for extending the validity of certificates of aviation personnel is carried out exclusively for aircraft maintenance personnel and flight support officer (flight dispatcher) within the framework of the well-known state service "Issuance of certificates to aviation personnel".

In paragraph IX of the certificate of aviation personnel, with the exception of certificates of aircraft maintenance personnel and flight support officer (flight dispatcher), the entry "The license validity is restricted by the validity of the ratings and the medical certificate" will be entered.

The introduction of the above entry in paragraph IX of the certificate is carried out gradually, as documents are received for the introduction and extension of the validity period of qualification and special marks.

Both samples of the certificate of aviation personnel with or without the entry mentioned in paragraph IX of the certificate are valid, provided that the mark in this paragraph has a valid term. Otherwise, holders of certificates of aviation personnel, with the exception of certificates of aircraft maintenance personnel and flight support officer (flight dispatcher), must submit an application in any form with the original certificate attached to the office of JSC "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" to make an appropriate entry in paragraph IX of the certificate.

The authenticity of the copies of documents provided to the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC is confirmed (certified) by the civil aviation organization.

The procedure for confirming (certifying) copies in civil aviation organizations is determined by the Rules of Documentation, Documentation Management and Use of Electronic Document Management Systems in state and non-state organizations approved by the Order of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 28, 2023 No 236.

Thus, when sending documents through the non-profit joint stock Company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" (public service center), copies of documents must be certified with the entry "Copy is correct" indicating the official, surname and first name, signature, seal of the organization (if any) and the date of certification.

In turn, when sending documents through the e-government web portal, the application is submitted using an electronic digital signature (EDS), therefore, separate certification of documents is not required.

Licence issuance
Licence validation
Licence verification

Licence issuance

Issuance and extention of licenses, as well as the qualification and special marks for aviation personnel are carried out as part of the state service "Issuance of Licenses to Aviation Personnel." As of today, the Department issues 17 types of aviation personnel licenses.

List of basic requirements for the provision of the state service Issuance of licences to aviation personnel

Licence validation

The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes the following types of aviation personnel licensess issued by foreign States:

1) private pilot (airplane, helicopter, airship, aircraft with lift augmentation system);

2) a commercial aviation pilot (airplane, helicopter, airship, aircraft with a lift augmentation system);

3) pilot of a multicrew (airplane);

4) a line pilot (airplane, helicopter, helicopter, aircraft with lift augmentation system);

5) pilot of a free balloon;

6) glider pilot;

7) navigator;

8) flight engineer (flight mechanic);

9) flight engineer;

10) an external pilot (of an airplane, airship, glider, rotorcraft, aircraft with lift augmentation system or free balloon);

11) Aircraft maintenance personnel;

12) a flight support officer or flight dispatcher.

Conditions for recognition of aviation personnel licenses issued by foreign countries

Recognition of aviation personnel licenses issued by foreign countries

Licence verification

The Department verifies the authenticity and validity of aviation personnel licenses issued by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The procedure includes checking medical certificates, licenses, qualification and special marks of aviation personnel, resulting the issuance of a letter verifying the aviation personnel license.

To obtain this service, the applicant must submit a free- form application to the "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" JSC.