Scat's air fleet has been expanded with another Boeing aircraftПо поручению Министра индустрии и инфраструктурного развития Республики Казахстан Каирбека Ускенбаева продолжается работа по наращиванию парка воздушных судов и увеличению провозной емкости казахстанских авиакомпаний.
The civil aviation industry is being developed in a systematic and consistent mannerIn 2022, the civil aviation industry continued to actively work to systematically improve flight safety and achieve its primary objectives
SCAT Airlines celebrated the 25th anniversary of its founding on November 25n behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee Talgat Lastaev and General Director of JSC "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" Catalin Radu congratulated the Republic of Kazakhstan at a solemn meeting dedicated to the company's anniversary
Сoordination exercise held in the Kyzylorda search and rescue areaOn November 15, 2022, in accordance with the approved plan-scenario of coordination exercises for organizing and conducting search and rescue operations (works) dated November 03, 2022, exercises were conducted by JSC "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" with the support of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the following interested organizations