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Issuance of airworthiness directives for the An-2 aircraft


In 2013, the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized the type certificate of the An-2 aircraft, No. ВВ-035/3/2, issued by the authorized body of Poland. The An-2 aircraft type certificate holder is the An-2 aircraft manufacturer PZL "Warszava-Okecie" S.A. The ASh-62IR engine type certificate (No. E.140) holder is the engine manufacturer WSK "PZL-KALISZ" S.A. To bring the An-2 aircraft service lives into compliance with the requirements of the type certificate holder, in 2016, the An-2 aircraft airworthiness directives No. 1/An-2 and 2/An-2 were issued.

In 2021, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC (hereinafter - AAK) conducted an analysis of the state of the air fleet of An-2 aircraft (continuing airworthiness) registered in the State Register of Civil Aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis revealed the need for further actions to bring the operation of the An-2 aircraft in line with the requirements of the design organizations of the aviation equipment and to address the issue of flight safety of the An-2 aircraft. AAK developed the corresponding requirements, which were presented in the form of draft airworthiness directives:

1. AD 2022-02 Engine – motor gasoline

2. AD 2022-03 Engine – TBO and service life

3. AD 2022-04 Airframe – detailed inspection

4. AD 2022-05 Airframe – Service life of fabric skin and rubber hoses

To implement the airworthiness directives the aviation industry (operators of An-2 aircraft, organizations for the maintenance and repair of An-2, non-profit organizations uniting aircraft operators, ALE "KAMA" and ALE "ELISA", RSE on REM "National Coordination Center Emergency Medicine” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan) was given the opportunity to participate in the further development of requirements and acceptable timeframes for the implementation of these airworthiness directives. A consultation was also received from the An-2 aircraft engine design organizations. Thus, the implementation of airworthiness directives was carried out in the following stages:

Stage 1. Distribution of the developed draft airworthiness directives to the aviation industry.

Stage 2: Consideration and internal discussion by the aviation industry of the directives and provision of feedback (comments) to the AAK.

Step 3: Forum at AAK headquarters to discuss received comments with the aviation industry.

Step 4: Taking into account the discussions of the aviation industry proposals at the forum, approval and submission of the accepted final draft directives.

Stage 5. Issuance of airworthiness directives and publication on the official website.

Airworthiness directives were issued by order of the Director General of the AAK No. 05/340 dated April 17, 2023. The AAK forwarded the issued airworthiness directives to the aviation industry.

Deadlines for the implementation of the airworthiness directives for An-2 aircraft used in the air ambulance line, in search and rescue operations (works), forest protection, aerial photography and other types of aerial work (except for agricultural work), 01.01.2024; for the An-2 aircraft used for agricultural purposes, 01.01.2025.

The indicated airworthiness directives can be accessed on the official website of the AAK: https://caa.gov.kz/ru/deyatelnost/departament-letnoj-godnosti/direktivy