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What is the role of air travel in the economy, and should we take a fresh look at the impact of global travel?


Who would have thought, when I received this request to write about the instability in January, that we were about to face a virus outbreak that would cause a significant destabilization of our daily way of life. Today, in many countries, a state of emergency is introduced and borders are closed.

The virus is very simple, it is a strain that has been well known for many years and has been responsible for outbreaks of this kind. One of them is the SAR virus, which has affected the aviation industry in the past. Such viruses are very easily transmitted, often by airborne droplets, and currently this strain, known as Covid 19, has a very high transmission rate. It is this simplicity that makes it so difficult to control, as physical contact with the virus through touch or close proximity to a sneeze or cough can transmit it. Fortunately, its mortality is low: 80% of people do not feel much symptoms, 20% get sick and 3% are at risk. However, the virus can significantly complicate the work of medical services, and this can lead to sad consequences and an increase in this indicator. It is this problem that we are now trying to control with the introduction of stringent control measures.
