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US Transportation Security Administration experts assess the level of aviation security in Kazakhstan


Talgat Lastayev, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Peter Griffiths, General Director of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, held a meeting with the specialists of the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and experts of the US Embassy Export Control and Related Border Security Program (EXBS).

At the invitation of Kazakh aviation authorities, work has begun to certify Kazakhstan's airports as capable of handling flights and to designate CAT1 for flights to the United States.

Experts from TSA, Daniel McQuaid, Dale John Wursten, Jared Paul DaRocha, Robert Michael Hookanson, Steven Paul Neu, and EXBS experts Nick Cavellero and Anar Shaikenova studied the activities performed by the civil aviation regulator in Kazakhstan and the aviation security system in airports and airlines.

During the meeting the participants discussed issues of further TSA audit to open direct flights from Kazakhstan to the USA.

TSA and EXBS experts elaborated on regulatory acts in the field of aviation security for their compliance with the standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and provided consultations on advanced training of aviation personnel.

In addition, the ability of aviation authorities to effectively control and supervise airport and civil aircraft operators in the area of aviation safety was examined.

From October 20-29, 2021, US experts will visit Nur-Sultan and Almaty airports to become familiar with airport perimeter security, access control, in-flight catering security, cargo and mail security.