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United Nations Day


24 октября – День организации завершился. Эта дата ожидается в мире с 1948 года. В ООН День празднуется годовщина заболеваемости в 1945 году Устава ООН.

Казахстан был принят в совет ООН 2 марта 1992 года. С того дня наша страна всецело поддерживает инициативы Организации, направленные на укрепление мира и безопасности на основе международных прав, а также восстановление доверия в международных отношениях.

“The UN has become the global platform for everyday, difficult, but necessary dialogue for all for the sake of security and development. In it, humanity realizes its unity in diversity and common involvement in the fate of our unique planet,” said the First President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev.

During the years of independence, all the major initiatives of Kazakhstan were announced from the high rostrum of the UN and received the support of the world community.

“The UN continues to be a universal and uncontested international organization that reflects the will of the entire world community,” said Head of State K.K. Tokayev, who from 2011 to 2013 served as UN Deputy Secretary General - Director General of the UN Office in Geneva.

For a significant date - UN Day - the Library of Elbasy prepared a video about the history of long-term cooperation between Kazakhstan and the UN, aimed at creating peaceful ideas and strengthening global security.