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UK Civil Aviation Authority held an interactive training course on Audit Techniques at Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan.


The training was organized within the framework of the Agreement between the International Civil Aviation Agency (CAAi) and Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan on the technical support to adopt a new aviation oversight model, based on that used in the UK.

This agreement allows Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan to enhance competence and qualification of its staff, as well as transfer experience from aviation authorities of th UK to Kazakhstan, which will expedite the transition of Kazakhstan to the international best practice in the field of civil aviation.

International Civil Aviation Agency (CAAi) analysed the training needs of technical personnel of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan. Based on personnel training plan, the first training course on audit techniques was held.

This Audit Techniques course provides delegates with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practice of auditing in relation to the conduct of certification and ongoing safety regulatory oversight of aviation organisations.

The course also provides the knowledge and skills to be able to plan, conduct and report Initial and/or Ongoing Oversight of an organisation, including the important activities of Document Review and the on-site audit visit, in order to provide the Competent Authority with the necessary information to enable decisions on certification.