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The Second Meeting of the Cybersecurity Panel was held in Montréal


Second Meeting of the Cybersecurity Panel (CYSECP/2) from 5 to 9 June 2023 , at ICAO Headquarters in Montréal (Canada) , convened in accordance with the decision of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) at the sixth meeting of its 227th session on November 30, 2022.

The program of the meeting discussed issues related to the extension of the powers of the Chairman and his Deputy, events at the global level, such as the AVSECP/34 meeting, the work of the CYSECP /1 group and its working groups, task forces and their results, the results of the 41st ICAO Assembly in relation to AVSEC and facilitation, innovation, exchange of experience and other topical issues.

The meeting was attended by representatives of ICAO, IATA, AFCAC, ACI, ASECNA, Aviation ISAC, ECAC, COCESNA, CANSO, EC, EDA, EUROCAE, EUROCONTROL, GEA, IBAC, ICCAIA, IFALPA, IAC, UNOCT, United Arab Emirates, 43 States Parties, a total of more than 100 participants, as well as representatives of the host country.

Kazakhstan was represented as an observer by Senior Aviation Inspector for Cybersecurity of the Department of Aviation Security Nurlan Kozhakhmetov. In the future, it is planned to participate in the CYSECP/2 group as an expert.

The meeting touched upon the issues of information on global events in the field of both AVSEC and cybersecurity. During the meeting, reports on cybersecurity, working papers on the issue of effective management in cybersecurity issues and its complexity in civil aviation were presented.

ICAO recognized the seriousness of the impact of cybersecurity issues, the growing threats to civil aviation, the importance of improving the culture of cybersecurity, so it is necessary to build capacity and qualified specialists for cyber resilience in civil aviation.

The meeting also addressed the issues of human factors in aviation cybersecurity, the exchange of experience at the regional and international levels, as well as in the ICAO structure itself, the training of all specialists to improve the culture of cybersecurity.

The information presented at the meeting will help the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan to build up the potential of the culture of cybersecurity and cyber resilience, establish new contacts, exchange experience and best practices in the field of aviation cybersecurity. In the future, the regulatory framework, experience and best practices of ICAO Member States will be used to improve regulations in the field of aviation cybersecurity.