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Procedure for registration of unmanned aerial vehicles in Kazakhstan


Accounting for drones by the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the State Registration of Civil Aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the rights to them. Accounting is subject to unmanned aerial vehicles with a maximum takeoff weight of more than 1.5 kg, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles performing operations in the "specific" category with a maximum takeoff weight of more than 0.25 kg.

For registration, persons acquiring UAVs for the purpose of operation submit an application for registration with documents attached in accordance with the Rules for State Registration of Civil Aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the rights to them. In the case of registration of the UAV, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan issues a certificate of registration for a period of 5 years or for the duration of the lease agreement.

When deregistration of an unmanned aerial vehicle, the applicant submits an application for deregistration with documents attached in accordance with the above Rules. If the submitted documents are in compliance, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan issues to the applicant a certificate on the exclusion of the UAV from the register.

The term for registration and removal of the UAV from it is 30 working days. Refusal to issue a certificate of registration is carried out in writing within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

When the identified deficiencies are eliminated, the applicant re-applies to the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan for registration of an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Documents with a cover letter are sent for registration to the email address frontoffice@caakz.com or to the address of Nur-Sultan, Mangilik El ave. 55/15, block C 2.3.

Recall that in January of this year, the Rules for the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan were approved. The operation of drones is carried out after registration with the authorized body in the field of civil aviation, with the exception of UAVs, which are subject to registration with the authorized body in the field of state aviation

To date, 279 unmanned aerial vehicles are registered in Kazakhstan.