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Peter Griffiths was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSС


By the decision of the Sole Shareholder, Peter Griffiths, Director General, was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC.

Peter Griffiths is General Director of «Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan» JSC since August 2019. He was previously Head of the Department of Civil Aviation of the UK Department of Transport, where oversaw the work of the British State Civil Aviation Agency (UKCAA).

He was Director of Aviation Safety and Security at EasyJet Luton. He was the project manager for the launch of the new Nas Air (Flynas) low-cost airline in Saudi Arabia. He flew as a commander of the Airbus 320 and Boeing 737 aircrafts.

Over the years, he has held senior positions in the European Commission. He was Vice President of the European Region of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and led various commercial civil aviation organizations.