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One step closer to the European Aviation


On December 19, 2023 the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan (AAK) signed an agreement, which will boost safety standards in Kazakhstan's air transport sector, and improve regulatory efficiency, bring them in line with international and EU standards and use the successful EASA model to achieve these goals.

The EASA model is known for its comprehensive approach to regulation and thus can improve safety oversight and regulatory processes. This is consistent with broader global efforts to ensure consistency and high standards of civil aviation safety.

Alignment with international and EU standards: The agreement aims to align Kazakhstan's civil aviation standards with international and EU standards.

Such alignment is critical to ensure interoperability, consistency and cooperation with the global aviation community and EU member states.

Improving regulatory efficiency: The agreement aims to improve the efficiency of regulatory processes in civil aviation safety.

This may include streamlining regulatory procedures, improving coordination between relevant authorities and adopting best practices to ensure a more effective regulatory framework.