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A number of agreements signed on the margins of ICAO's Second Global Symposium


Seoul (South Korea) hosts the Second Global Symposium of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Implementation Support (GISS) with the participation of the ICAO Secretary General, Ministers of Transport of ICAO member states, heads of aviation authorities and other representatives of the aviation industry. Representatives of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, Kazaeronavigatsia RSE and the Civil Aviation Academy JSC are participating from the Kazakh side. The delegation of our country is headed by Saltanat Tompiyeva, Deputy General Director of AAK.

The Global Symposium organised by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea, ICAO's World Aviation Forum (IWAF), the Global Aviation Cooperation Symposium (GACS) and the Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS Symposium, to highlight the Organization's latest digital tools, key initiatives, and collaborative endeavors to support aviation resilience, innovation, sustainable development and operational solutions.

On the margins of the forum, a Training Services Agreement was signed between ICAO and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan. Jorge Vargas, Director of the ICAO Competence Development and Implementation Bureau, signed the document on behalf of ICAO.

The Framework Training Service Agreement was signed between The Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (JAA TO) and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC.

The Framework Agreement was jointly signed by Paula Vieira de Almeida, General Director of the Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organization, and Saltanat Tompiyeva, Deputy General Director for Support and Resources of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan.

The forum also hosted bilateral meetings with representatives of ICAO and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the further development of civil aviation.

For reference:

The JAA Training Organisation (JAA TO) is a Dutch non-profit organisation and an Associated Body of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). JAA TO has a history of 50 years of training the aviation industry and national authorities on regulation in the air transport sector.

JAA TO is the only Training Centre of Excellence - Platinum (TCE) in Europe recognised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and a leading member of the EASA Virtual Academy (EVA). JAA TO schedules more than 300 training courses annually on topics such as safety, security, drones and management.