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The MIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan have considered issues of training quality of civil aviation specialists


A videoconference with the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Beibut Atamkulov and the heads of the Civil Aviation Committee, Civil Aviation Academy and Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan was held in the form of workshop regarding the training quality of civil aviation specialists.

The Minister noted the insufficient level of training at the Academy. First of all, this is due to the inconsistency of the flight training program with international standards, as well as the low demand for graduates of the branch educational institution from domestic airlines. To solve the problem, the Head of the Department instructed to strengthen applicants screening and increase Academy admission requirements to the grades, as well as introduce training programs for personnel of other types of aviation. A number of serious comments were also made by the Head of Flight Safety of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan Linda Orlady, who for many years was the Chief Pilot of Boeing Corporation. So, based on the results of the inspection, a number of inconsistencies of the Academy were noted that require a systematic change in approaches to training young aviators, taking into account the transfer of the university to the core ministry from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Earlier the Academy Development Program valid till 2025 was approved by Civil Aviation Academy in order to ensure successful implementation of the tasks and becoming one of the world’s leading universities. Following the discussion, this program will be revised in the near future taking into account the proposals of international experts.

Background information:

Academy of Civil Aviation JSC employs 463 members of staff. The teaching staff – 246; the number of students – 3282, including aviation college – 1148, Undergraduates – 2076, Masters – 52, PHD – 6; The number of students admitted in 2019 is 797, including 269 students of the Aviation College, 492 undergraduates, 35 Masters, and 1 PHD; Number of employed students as of 2014 to 2019 – 1209 (64%).