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The Methodology of Competence-Based Training Discussed at a Workshop with Colleagues by AAK Staff


The Methodology of Competence-Based Training Discussed at a Workshop with Colleagues by AAK Staff

The workshop was held at the Professional Training Center of RSE «Kazaeronavigatsia» Representatives from 10 aviation training centers across the country and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan shared their opinions on the topic "Methodology of Competence-Based Training: Requirements, Realities, and Prospects."

Talgat Mukanov, Managing Director and Chief of Staff of Kazaeronavigatsia RSE, and Zhanot Urtembayeva, Director of the Professional Training Center, greeted the seminar participants.

The importance of the seminar's topic was emphasized by Adilzhan Sultanov Director of the Licensing Department of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan. He highlighted the need to address several issues and share experiences in implementing competence-based training methodologies, noting the ongoing presence of various approaches in developing and delivering training courses.

Among the seminar participants were Vladimir Koshmanov Director of the Unmanned Aviation Systems Department, and Rishat Rozbakiev, Head of the Licensing Division of the Licensing Department of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan.

The practical part of the seminar consisted of three working sessions. In the first session, "Competence-Based Training in Questions and Answers," participants discussed the requirements for implementing the methodology, examined the differences between competence-based and traditional courses using real-life curriculum examples, and addressed aspects of ambiguous understanding of the methodology.

The second session, "Implementation Practice," explored the experience of applying this methodology to create standardized educational and methodological complexes, within the framework of the Kazaeronavigatsia Professional Training Center's full participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization TRAINAIR PLUS program.

In the third session, participants held round-table discussions on the topics "Training of ATC Staff" and "Program Development."

In conclusion, Talgat Mukanov thanked everyone for their well-coordinated work and, together with the event moderator Yana Vishnevskaya presented certificates to the seminar participants.