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A meeting was held between representatives of the aviation administrations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on aviation security issues


In pursuance of the Plan of Practical Actions ("Roadmap") for the further development of cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of aviation security for 2019-2020, representatives of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC and Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport JSC "from 5 to July 9 of this year, paid a working visit to the Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, located in Tashkent. A meeting of representatives of the two aviation administrations on aviation security issues was scheduled for 2020, but due to the spread of pandemics, it was postponed to 2021.

From the Kazakh side, the meeting was attended by:

  1. Deputy General Director of the AAC for Aviation Security - Espotanov Darkhan Inkarbekovich.

  2. Director of the Department of Aviation Security of the AAC - Katyshev Darkhan Maratovich.

  3. Advisor to the General Director of the AAC for especially important flights - Tungatarov Timur.

  4. Senior Aviation Inspector of the Department of Aviation Security of the AAC - Adilbekuly Dauletbek.

  5. Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport", head of the aviation security service - Tuleshov Marat Sabitovich.

At the working meeting, the regulatory legal acts of the two countries in the field of aviation security were studied for their compliance with the standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Consultations were held to study the issues of early detection, assessment and prompt identification of risk factors and localization of threats in aviation security.

The measures taken in our countries to protect civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference were jointly reviewed, including: the implementation of access control measures to the protected areas of the airport, the improvement of screening procedures, the quality of equipment used during screening, the system of education, training and retraining of personnel related to security and personnel exercising control and oversight functions in the field of aviation security.

Practical measures were taken to familiarize with the installed aviation security system at the Tashkent airport, security and protection of the airport perimeter, control of access to the airport, ensuring the safety of in-flight catering and ensuring the security of cargo and mail.

One of the main topics of the working meeting was the discussion of the preparation and procedure for passing the audit of the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), as part of the opening of flights to the United States. As you know, the national carrier "Uzbekistan Airways" has been operating since 2016 direct non-stop flights to the United States, to New York from the international airport of Tashkent.

The documentation and requirements imposed by TSA on countries planning to fly to the USA are considered. During the visit, specialists from Kazakhstan were directly present and observed the preparation and maintenance of the flight Tashkent - New York. We got acquainted with a separate passenger service line and special control (screening) points intended only for flights to the United States.

As a result of the working meeting, the specialists gained good international experience in the aviation security system, mastered the procedures in preparing for the TSA audit and servicing passengers on US flights.

In order to further continue cooperation between the Aviation Administrations, a protocol was signed on holding joint seminars, round tables, and visits to exchange experience in the field of aviation security.