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Meeting with the leadership of the Interstate Aviation Committee


Tatiana Anodina, the chairwoman of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), and Kairbek Uskenbayev, the minister of industry and infrastructure development for the Republic of Kazakhstan, met.

The parties reviewed topics about the civil aviation sector and shared their perspectives on potential future areas for cooperation, such as flight safety, aviation security, and accident investigation. The IAC leadership praised Kazakhstan for its active involvement in the events performed under its auspices.

For information: The Interstate Agreement on Civil Aviation and the Use of Airspace served as the foundation for the Interstate Aviation Committee's (IAC) establishment in December 1991. (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement). Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are the nations that are a part of the Agreement. Since 1992, Kazakhstan has been a part of the IAC. The IAC was created by the Agreement as an international governmental agency and is an executive body that ensures the implementation of the Aviation Council's decisions in accordance with article 8 of the Agreement. The Council of the Heads of the Member States of the Economic Community appoints the Chairman of the IAC by decision (this role has been held since 1991).

Maintaining uniform aviation regulations, airworthiness standards, a unified certification system for aviation equipment and its production, internationally categorized airfields and their equipment, independent investigations of aviation accidents, coordination of civil aviation development issues, and harmonization of national programs for the development of air traffic management systems are some of the main responsibilities of the IAC.

The IAC Agreement and Regulation were registered by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in July 1992 in compliance with the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and the ICAO Procedures, and IAC is listed among the Intergovernmental Organizations. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and many other foreign countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with the IAC. The International Association of Independent Transport Investigation Authorities includes the IAC as a member (ITSA).