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Medical personnel trained in aviation and space medicine


For the first time in Kazakhstan, the Aeronautical Administration of Kazakhstan organised professional training for healthcare professionals in the specialty of aviation and space medicine in accordance with the standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

The specialty "Aviation and space medicine" is perhaps the youngest for Kazakhstan, but the training of a qualified doctor of aviation and space medicine according to ICAO requirements for the years of the state sovereignty in Kazakhstan was carried out only abroad.

With the support of the "Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University" PUO, cycles were held under the programmes:

1. "BASIC TRAINING COURSE IN AVIATION MEDICINE". 6 specialists were trained;
2. "Training of aviation medical examiners according to Part-MED 0.15. Advanced course". Four specialists were trained.

These programs determine the content and scope of knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies to be mastered in the discipline of "Aviation and Space Medicine", approved by the Order of the Minister of Health of RK "On approval of nomenclature of specialties and specializations in health care, nomenclature and qualification characteristics of health care workers".

The programs unify the requirements for the organization of educational process, focus on achieving the quality of additional medical education for doctors, development of skills and abilities in aviation medicine necessary for the aviation doctor and gives him the right to be subsequently appointed as an aviation medical expert.

JSC "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" plans to continue to retrain specialists in the specialty "Aviation and Space Medicine", regularly train and raise the level of qualification of doctors working in the aerospace industry, to expand the availability of training for doctors not only civil but also state aviation as countries near and far abroad.