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Lufthansa Consulting, with the support of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, held a Seminar on Airport Master Plan Development for Kazakhstan's airports


On April 4, 2023, Lufthansa Consulting, with the support of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, held a seminar on "Airport Master Plan Development" in Astana.

From March 1, 2023, master planning for international airports has become mandatory in Kazakhstan.

The seminar was aimed at airport operators in Kazakhstan and focused on the new requirements for airport development plans in the country by international standards and Lufthansa Consulting's recommended approach to airport master planning.

Through interactive discussions and knowledge sharing with industry experts, seminar participants learned about the latest trends in airport planning and design. They gained insight into creating a comprehensive airport master plan that meets international standards.

The seminar allowed participants to acquire new skills and knowledge for developing airport master plans that promote the sustainable development of Kazakhstan's aviation industry and meet international standards.