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Launched a new airport in Turkestan


The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev took part in the presentation of a new international airport in Turkestan.

As part of a business trip to Turkestan region, the First President of Kazakhstan launched a new international airport in Turkestan. The project for the construction of the first new airport in independent Kazakhstan has become one of the largest and most significant facilities at the large-scale construction of modern Turkestan. The new air harbor of Turkestan will give a powerful impetus to the development of tourism in the region, satisfy the need of citizens for air transportation services.

To implement the project, foreign investments were attracted, the construction was completed in record time.

From the new international airport in Turkestan, at the first stage, Kazakh airlines will open flights to Nur-Sultan, Almaty, and in the future, as the spiritual center of the Turkic world, Turkestan will be connected with other regional centers of Kazakhstan.

At the initial stage, Turkish Airlines plans to open flights to Istanbul.

Also, the airport of Turkestan will be included in the "open sky" for flights of foreign airlines, which will make it attractive for expanding the geography of flights and help to attract the flow of foreign tourists.

The airport main properties:
Airport area: 905 hectares
Runway: 3 300 x 45 m
Passenger terminal area - 10.5 thousand square meters
Throughput - 450 pass / hour.