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Kazakhstan’s representative was elected Vice-Chairman of the ICAO Special Group on Aviation Security in Europe and the North Atlantic Region (ENAVSECG)


The tenth meeting of the Special Aviation Security Group - Europe and the North Atlantic (ENAVSECG/10), organized by the ICAO Regional Bureau, will be held from November 1 to 4, 2022, at the ICAO European/North Atlantic Bureau in Paris (France). The agenda of the meeting discusses the problems and efforts of states aimed at constantly countering changing threats to civil aviation in difficult times, the most recent technological and innovative developments in aviation security, the human factor in civil aviation, and other aviation security-related issues.

The special aviation security group - ENAVSECG/10, elected a new chairman and his deputies on the first day of the anniversary meeting. Members of the ICAO European/North Atlantic Office in Paris (EUR/NAT) took part in the voting. Darkhan Yespotanov, Deputy General Director of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC, was elected as one of the vice-chairpersons of the ENAVSECG/10 particular group on aviation security. A French candidate was elected Chairman, and a Latvian candidate was elected Second Vice-Chairman.

The Chairman and Vice-primary Chairmen's responsibilities are to organize the special aviation security group's annual meetings, to ensure coordination and interaction between the region's countries on aviation security issues at the group's site, to review and approve proposals for updating ICAO Annex 17 standards and recommended practices, to compile reports and develop new initiatives aimed at the development of aviation security, and to perform other aviation security-related duties. The election of a representative from our country to this position will help to raise Kazakhstan's international standing and strengthen its position as a leader in aviation security in the Central Asian region and is aligned with the new AAK vision to make Kazakhstan a regional and global key player in aviation.