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Kazakhstan received ICAO Council President Award for high performance in aviation security


Today in the city of Montreal (Canada), at the anniversary assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Kazakhstan, among more than 190 countries, was first nominated for the presentation of an aviation security certificate from the President of the Council of ICAO. This Certificate was established in support of the ICAO global initiative “No Country Left Behind” (No country will be left without attention). The selection criteria for countries for such recognition are based on the results of recent years of state activity in the field of aviation securitydevelopment, the assessment of which is determined by a special ICAO Commission.

Given the significant progress achieved in aviation security, Kazakhstan has received a high award from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It should be noted that in order to obtain such recognition, a great deal of work has been carried out in recent years by the Civil Aviation Committee of the MIID RK in the field of aviation security development. To list some of them:

  • high results of the ICAO audit, which took place in November 2017. According to the results of the audit the level of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 83%. Compared to the 2009 audit, the progress was at 21%, which is 11% higher than the global average for aviation security (72%);

  • legislation improvement and timely implementation of ICAO standards and recommended practices in the field of aviation security. The National Aviation Security Program has been developed and approved by the government decree, which includes all the latest ICAO standards in the aviation security. For the years 2018-2019, 3 resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 8 orders of the Minister of Aviation Security were revised and amended;

  • effective interaction and cooperation with foreign countries. As part of the ICAO No Country Left Behind initiative, the Civil Aviation Committee is actively collaborating with the aviation authorities of neighboring countries. In the years of 2017-2019, activities on the exchange of experience in the field of aviation security with representatives of Georgia and Uzbekistan were successfully carried out, consulting assistance was provided to representatives of Tajikistan, in preparation for the ICAO audit. On an regular basis, representatives of the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, on the initiative of the Civil Aviation Committee are trained and advanced training in the training center for aviation, located in Almaty.

  • Active participation in international conferences and seminars held under the auspices of ICAO Regional Aviation Security Bureau.

This is only a small part of the activities carried out by the country's aviation authority to improve aviation security. The total work carried out is recognized by ICAO on the progress achieved in the field of aviation security, as a result of which Kazakhstan was awarded a certificate of the ICAO Council President at the 40th anniversary opening ceremony of ICAO Assembly.

The ICAO Assembly is the Organization’s sovereign body.  It meets at least once every three years and is convened by ICAO’s governing body, the Council. ICAO's 193 Member States and a large number of international organizations are invited to the Assembly, which establishes the worldwide policy of the Organization for the upcoming triennium. Each Member State is entitled to one vote on matters before the Assembly, and decisions at these Sessions are taken by a majority of the vot​es cast – except where otherwise provided for in the Convention. ​​​​