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Kazakhstan participated in the 44th ICAO Meeting on the implementation of language proficiency requirements used in radiotelephone communication


From June 12 to 14 this year, employees of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan and the Kazaeronavigation RSE took part in the 44th meeting of the ICAO EASPG LPRI TF (European Aviation System Planning Group - Language Proficiency Requirements Implementation Task Force) on the implementation of language proficiency requirements used in radiotelephone communication, which was held in Paris. The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan was represented by the Director of the Licensing Department, Adilzhan Sultanov, and the senior aviation inspector of ATO division, Madiyar Karazhanov. On behalf of the Kazaeronavigatsia RSE, aviation English instructors from the Vocational Training Center, Aysara Ibraim and Balnur Mukanova, participated in the meeting.

At the 44th EASPG LPRI TF meeting, the subgroups discussed in detail the document EUR Doc 046 "Guidance on the Harmonized Implementation of Language Proficiency Requirements and its Oversight", which complements Doc 9835 - "Guidance on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements" and is of a recommendatory nature.

In addition, the 44th meeting addressed the implementation of a competency-based approach in the preparation and assessment of aviation English, language issues related to flight safety, English proficiency requirements for various specialists, trends in the development of training and testing in aviation English, and support for national regulatory authorities and organizations in ensuring a consistent approach to the interpretation and implementation of LPR.

EASPG LPRI TF is designed to interact with regulatory authorities, national coordinators for the implementation of language requirements, air navigation service providers, educational organizations, airspace users, and testing service providers to ensure a consistent approach to the interpretation and implementation of aviation English proficiency requirements.

The work of our specialists as members of the working subgroup will improve testing standards, enhance the quality of aviation English teaching, and strengthen international cooperation in the field of implementing aviation English proficiency requirements in Kazakhstan and globally.