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Kazakhstan introduces best practices in servicing passengers with autism and mental disabilities


The Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC, Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport, together with the National Association of Autism Kazakhstan, have carried out work to amend the Rules for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo in air transport.

The main goal of the project is to make flights more comfortable for passengers with special needs.

Passengers with an invisible disability are served on a priority basis, subject to the availability of an appropriate certificate (to confirm the diagnosis of Autism, the conclusion of the VKK is required).

Passengers who provide such documents will be given the appropriate lanyards (ribbons) at the airport.

To do this, you must submit a request for service 48 hours before the departure time indicated on the ticket.

Upon arrival at the airport, the accompanying person of a passenger with autism may apply to the information desk for a special lanyard.

Lanyard allows aviation security, check-in, and border and customs officials at the airport to identify passengers with invisible disabilities (for their escort and priority procedures).

If necessary, a passenger can use a wheelchair to move around the airport terminal and to the aircraft, as well as a mother and child room.

Председатель Ассоциации Аутизм Казахстан Нурия Балтабайкызы выражает огромную благодарность Председателю Комитета гражданской авиации МИИР РК Ластаеву Талгату Тлеубековичу, Заместителю председателя Салтанат Томпиевой, Директору Департамента Авиационной администрации Казахстана Нуржану Малаеву, всем участникам проекта, сотрудникам КГА МИИР РК и столичного аэропорта за совместное сотрудничество и проделанную огромную работу во благо детей и взрослых с особыми потребностями (за период с ноября 2019 года по январь 2021 годы).