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Kazakhstan experts study FAA experience in providing aviation safety oversight in the USA


The Kazakhstan delegation, composed of representatives of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC, take part in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP).

The International Civil Aviation Safety Visitor Program for Kazakhstan has been implemented by the Institute of International Education from November 25 to December 13, 2019 with full financial support of the State Department of the USA.

The participants in this group were carefully selected by the initiators of this project in Washington, the management of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the management of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC, as well as the Embassy of the United States of America in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The program is planned to visit 6 states of the United States of America and familiarize the participants with the activities of civil aviation entities in Washington, DC, Manchester, New Hampshire, Kansas City, Missouri, Kansas, Jackson, Wyoming, W Pensacola, Florida and New York.

Meetings will be held on the following topics: review of the US federalism system, efforts to protect the rights and interests of civil aviation, the role of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in ensuring the safety of civil aviation, regional airport operations, promoting youths interest in aviation, air traffic control operations, safety innovations, safety issues at regional airports, coordination and efforts of local police in maintaining safety at airports, coordination and the efforts of local police to maintain security at airports, the economic issues of new and expanding airports.

The aim of this project is to familiarize ourselves with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) experience in providing safety oversight in the USA, implement safety measures and prevent accidents with the help of a modern safety management system, as well as study the practice of American airlines regarding safety issues, regulatory compliance requirements, as well as the recruitment, retention and re-certification of pilots.

It should be noted that in the coming years Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan plans to apply for the IASA FAA Category 1 International Aviation Safety Rating. As part of the IASA program, the FAA evaluates the civil aviation authorities of all countries that have air carriers that have applied for flights to the United States, currently fly to the United States or participate in code-sharing agreements with US partner airlines. Obtaining a category, I rating means that the country's civil aviation authority complies with ICAO standards, its certified air carriers can provide services in the United States, as well as use the code of American partners.

Based on the results of the business mission, a meeting will be organized with the representatives of the US Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the participants of this project will share their impressions of the experience gained and the exchange of knowledge in aviation activities.