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Kazakhstan's aviation authorities attended the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems Plenary Meeting (JARUS)


The JARUS Plenary Meeting was held in Rome. The primary reason for attending the JARUS meeting was to discuss various problems concerning regulatory harmonization and developing unmanned aircraft systems. Representatives from numerous organizations, including regulators, government agencies, and industry experts, attended the meeting. The current condition of the unmanned aviation sector, existing difficulties and prospects, and the regulatory framework that should be built to ensure safe, efficient, and uniform operations were all reviewed during the discussion.

AAK presented the current condition of issues and plans in the sphere of regulation on behalf of Kazakhstan.

Participating in conversations with other regulatory agencies and business executives were Kazakhstani representatives. Industry challenges and possibilities, best practices and the legal framework for the worldwide harmonization of unmanned aircraft system regulation were all covered in-depth by the participation.

JARUS (Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems) is a non-profit international organization that brings together regulatory authorities, industry professionals, and other stakeholders to establish and unify unmanned aircraft system standards and rules.