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Kazakh aviation inspectors participated in the ICAO Global Aviation Security Symposium 2021 (AVSEC-2021)


The annual ICAO Global Aviation Security Symposium (AVSEC-2021) was held in the online format, which was attended by the members of the Aviation Security Department of JSC “Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan”.

This year the symposium included special sessions devoted to the 20th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It was noted how aviation security has improved over the past 20 years, and how the accumulated experience addresses major challenges to aviation security.

The session also focused on civil aviation personnel adaptation to the wide range of challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and new tools to enhance aviation security officers’ skills.
Experts shared best practices on training and strengthening safety postures, enhancing the effectiveness of the aviation safety culture for personnel, with a focus on the importance of the human factor.

Lessons learned are undoubtedly translated into innovative, modified crisis management and response approaches and procedures.