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July 1, the authorized organization in the field of civil aviation - AAK is fully financially independent, aligning with international standards for aviation regulator


Based on ICAO/EC recommendation to have AAK financially independent, from July 1, 2023, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan will switch to self-financing, according to the "List of paid services of an authorized organization in the field of civil aviation and payment rates in the field of civil aviation", approved by Order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2023 No. 167 and "Rules for charging payments in the field of civil aviation of the Republic of Kazakhstan” approved by the Order of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 24.

The list of paid services of an authorized organization in the field of civil aviation includes: issuance of an aerodrome (heliport) airworthiness certificate, issuance of an airport aviation security service certificate, issuance of a crew member certificate, issuance of certificates to aviation personnel, issuance of a civil aviation training center certificate, expansion of the scope of an aviation center of civil aviation, issuance of an operator certificate, issuance of a certificate for the right to perform aviation work, issuance of a certificate of airworthiness of a civil aircraft, issuance of a certificate of an organization for the maintenance and repair of civil aviation equipment, issuance of a type certificate of a civil aircraft, engine and certification of compliance of a copy of a civil aircraft with airworthiness standards, issuance of a certificate of an air navigation service provider, issuance of certificates of state registration of civil aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as state registration of an agreement on the pledge of a civil aircraft, an additional agreement to it, an irrevocable authority to de-register and export aircraft vessel.

All detailed information is published on the website https://caa.gov.kz/en/perechen-platnyh-uslug