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The issues of the state of aviation security in the country and the security of air transport facilities vulnerable to terrorism were considered


Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC held a Republican meeting on ensuring aviation security and protecting civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference.

​Representatives of the Civil Aviation Committee of the MIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chief Transport Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Police on Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aviation Training Centers, as well as deputy chief executives for aviation security of airports and airlines attended the meeting.

​The meeting was addressed to the state of aviation security in the country and the security of air transport facilities that are vulnerable to terrorism, as well as planned measures for the coming years.

​Representatives of the Aviation Administration during the meeting explained the new provisions of the National Aviation Security Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding airports and airlines. The latest ICAO standards and recommended practices for aviation security were discussed, namely, Amendment 17 to Appendix 17, Security, to the Chicago Convention.

​The civil aviation organization received constructive proposals for improving the regulatory legal acts in the field of protecting civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference. All proposals were accepted by the Aviation Security Department of the Aviation Administration.

​Based on the results of the meeting, specific instructions were given to airports and airlines to carry out continuous risk analysis and assessment, conduct quality and continuous monitoring of the security status of facilities, and take urgent measures to protect civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference.