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Issues of passenger service quality improvement and airline responsibility in case of flight cancellation and delay were discussed.


Following the instructions of the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan Kairbek Uskenbaev the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan in cooperation with the Committee of Civil Aviation held a meeting on passenger traffic with the participation of representatives of local airlines and airports of Kazakhstan.

Improvement of the quality of passenger service, availability of services at the airports of Kazakhstan, enforcement of passenger rights, as well as airline responsibility for flight cancellations and delays were discussed during the meeting. Projects to improve service at the airport were also discussed at the meeting.

Reports of representatives of airlines, airports Turkestan, Shymkent and Aktobe, Almaty were presented. SCAT airline provided information on the development background of the company since its foundation to date, as well as information on the construction of a new passenger terminal at Shymkent airport.

The Administration mentioned that currently the reconstruction of passenger terminals is being carried out as part of improving the quality of service. Particularly, new terminals in airports of Kostanay, Uralsk and Urjar will be available for passengers this year. New passenger terminals will have extended check-in areas, enlarged waiting areas and new technologies will be installed for passengers' check-in and luggage handling. Construction work on the new passenger terminal is being planned at Almaty airport, as well as at Shymkent airport.

During the meeting especial focus was placed on service for passengers with special needs. Airports and airlines were instructed to provide all the necessary services for passengers with special needs in a prompt manner. The administration expressed the necessity of availability of wheelchairs, special vehicles and devices for transportation, boarding and disembarkation of the aircraft, as well as the requirements related to the obstacle-free movement of passengers with reduced mobility.

The Department of Transportation of the Aviation Administration is currently aligning national legislation with ICAO standards and recommended practices and international practice.  A regulation is being introduced this year that allows airlines to maintain their own register of persons whose transportation by air is restricted. Individuals can be placed on the list only for violations on board, boarding and disembarking the aircraft, provided that their liability has been proven by prosecution or administrative proceedings.

Department of Transportation of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan plans to hold an awareness session "Service at the airport" for employees of Passenger service Department of the airports of Republic of Kazakhstan in order to assist in ongoing activities to improve the customer service quality.

One more project entitled "Zonal boarding" was announced during the meeting. This project is planned to be implemented in all airports, equipped with passenger boarding bridge. The key message is to carry out passenger boarding in a unified manner, it is proposed to carry out boarding in specially divided zones of the aircraft cabin.  This model of passenger boarding will allow airlines to save their valuable time.

An important project implemented at the end of 2021 is the project "Digital Documents", which provided the opportunity for passengers to use the electronic ID card. On top of this, "Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport" JSC has successfully implemented a socially significant project for people with autism, Asperger's syndrome, autism spectrum disorder. The identification linyard was specially designed for these passengers, which allows them to have priority check-in, screening, boarding and other services. This project was implemented based on the example of Amsterdam-Schiphol International Airport.

By the conclusion of the meeting, the Administration issued letters of appreciation to the Transportation Management Service of selected airports and airline representatives. Letters of appreciation were issued to "Turkistan International Airport" LLP for the prompt implementation of the corrective action plan and the timely elimination of non-compliance, "Air Astana" JSC, "Nursultan Nazarabaev International Airport" JSC and "Aliya Moldagulova International Airport" JSC for the prompt and timely implementation of digital document service (electronic identification), "Aulie Ata International Airport" JSC for commitment and dedication, "Aktau International Airport" JSC for compliance with high standards for wearing uniform and appearance, Semey International Airport JSC for providing a high level of service for passengers with reduced mobility, Ust-Kamenogorsk Airport JSC for ensuring high standards of cleanliness of the airport terminal complex and Sary-Arka Airport JSC for maintaining a high level of international standards.