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The International Civil Aviation Organization Secretary General praised Kazakhstan’s adoption of the European model of civil aviation regulation


The Kazakh delegation, led by the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee Talgat Lastayev, accompanied by the Director General of JSC "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" Catalin Radu, and representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Canada met with the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Juan Carlos Salazar, during the 41st session of the ICAO Assembly, with the participation of the Director of ICAO's European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Regional Office, Mr. Nicolas Rallo, during which the measures taken to improve safety were reported flights.

The Secretary General of ICAO praised and supported the implementation of the European model of civil aviation regulation in Kazakhstan since 2017, noting that it is one of the most advanced and effective approaches in the world, fully complying with ICAO safety standards.

Mr. Salazar expressed gratitude for Kazakhstan's commitment to ICAO standards and recommended practises, noting our country's progress based on the results of the validation assessment in 2021, which showed 84% compliance with ICAO requirements. The Secretary General of ICAO and the Director of the ICAO Regional Office for Europe and the North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) thanked Kazakhstan for its active participation in the 41st Assembly and events hosted by the ICAO Regional Office.

In turn, the head of the Kazakh delegation, Talgat Lastayev, proposed establishing a representative office of Kazakhstan's aviation authorities at the ICAO headquarters for joint work and experience exchange, which was enthusiastically supported by the ICAO leadership. During the meeting, the Kazakh side invited Mr. Salazar to pay an official visit to Kazakhstan in the near future, based on the previous two ICAO Secretaries-visits. General's The proposal was accepted by the Secretary General, who stated that he would be happy to visit Kazakhstan at a time that was convenient for both parties.

For reference:

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a United Nations (UN) specialised agency that establishes international civil aviation standards and coordinates its development in order to improve safety and efficiency.

The ICAO was founded on the provisions of Part II of the 1944 Chicago Convention. The headquarters are in Montreal (Canada).

ICAO has 193 member countries.

The ICAO Assembly meets at least once every three years, and it is the most important event in civil aviation. During its sessions, the Assembly thoroughly reviews ICAO's work in the technical, economic, legal, and technical cooperation fields, as well as providing guidance to other ICAO bodies on their respective missions.