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Integration of unmanned aircraft systems into the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of Civil-military coordination


As part of the periodic civil-military coordination meetings aimed at improving cooperation between civil state bodies and structural units of the Ministry of Defense and other security agencies to coordinate common efforts in ensuring the optimization of airspace use by all categories, Aviation Administration organized a meeting with the state agencies responsible for the use of airspace by unmanned aerial systems.

Considering the regulatory and technological challenges associated with the growing popularity of unmanned aerial systems among recreational and commercial users, the integration issue required the attention of the public authorities.

The purpose of this meeting was to define the concept of safe integration of UAS in the airspace.

Attenders emphasized that the integration of unmanned aviation into a common airspace should be carried out in conjunction with international standards and trends, considering the reasonability of their adaptation and local specifics in the use of airspace.

It was noted that the integration of UAS into the airspace should occur through the adaptation of the existing regulatory framework, where the underlying principle of maintain the existing level of flight safety.

Representatives of government agencies raised that the problem of integrating unmanned aviation into a common airspace, has the interagency interest and requires amendments to a number of laws and regulations, not only in the field of the Law on the Use of Airspace and Aviation Activities.

The meeting allowed the participants to present their proposals and discuss development prospects.