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ICAO noted Kazakhstan's progress on civil aviation issues at the European and North Atlantic Regional Conference


The ICAO region's Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation was held at the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) European and North Atlantic Regional Office (EUR/NAT). The Conference was attended by the First Heads of Civil Aviation Organizations from over 56 ICAO Regional Office members.

The ICAO Secretary General, Juan Carlos Salazar, gave a welcome speech. The ceremony was also attended by Nicolas Rallo, ICAO Regional Director for Europe and the North Atlantic.

Tania Cardoso, the Director General of Portugal's National Civil Aviation Agency, was elected Chairman of this Conference.

Considering the progress made by the Republic of Kazakhstan in implementing ICAO flight safety standards, the Head of the Kazakhstani delegation, Chairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the MIID, Talgat Lastayev, was elected among the 56 countries of the ICAO European Region as Vice Chairman of the Conference. Shmuel Zakai, the Director General of the Aviation Authorities of Israel, was elected as the Second Vice Chairman of the Conference.

During the Conference, the participants discussed ICAO's current developments related to flight safety, issues on expansion of cooperation on cyber security, long-term plans for capacity building and training in the field of environmentally safe aviation fuels, cooperation in the field of prevention and management of public health events in civil aviation and gender equality in civil aviation.

An important discussion was held on “Collaboration for Implementation Support” where Kazakhstan announced the Regional initiative of establishing the “EurAsian Civil Aviation Conference EACAC” following the model of the ACAO, AFCAC, ECAC and LACAC.

In addition, during the Conference participants discussed the ongoing work on the ratification of the next amendments to the international treaties in the field of air transport.

At the end of the Conference, participants agreed to continue work on the issues raised.