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The ICAO-IAC workshop "Runway Safety Operations" was held in Baku with the participation of representatives of the AAK


The ICAO-IAC workshop " Runway Safety Operations" was held in Baku with the participation of representatives of the AAK.

The Interstate Aviation Committee, together with ICAO, within the framework of the cooperation project, held a seminar on the topic from February 14 to 17, 2023: "Runway Safety Operations".

The seminar was attended by: the leadership and experts of ICAO, IAC, Eurocontrol and more than 50 specialists from 7 states of the region participating in the interstate Agreement.

During the first part of the seminar, ICAO specialists presented in detail the basics of implementing a safety management system in the industry and ensuring proper state control over this system. The second part of the seminar covered Global and regional programs in ensuring the safe operation of the runway. The final part was devoted to the exchange of practical experience between the participants of the seminar from different countries.

The participants highly noted the overall progress of Kazakhstan in ensuring flight safety and increasing the level of compliance with ICAO standards and recommended practices, while emphasizing that Kazakhstan's implementation of important ICAO initiatives such as the Global Format for Reporting Runway Surface Condition - GRF is one of the first in the CIS countries.

In turn, the AAK regularly holds meetings at the national level on the safety of operations on the runway with the participation of representatives of airfield operators, airlines, air navigation service providers, and representatives of state aviation. As part of the last meeting on October 28, 2022, the AAK presented a draft updated State program to ensure the safety of operations on the runway, which will come into force in the 4th quarter of 2023 and should systematize the risk management activities on the runway by civil aviation organizations.