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ICAO has increased the level of flight safety in Kazakhstan to 84%. This is 15% higher than the world average


The work carried out by the Civil Aviation Committee of the MIID RK together with the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan as part of the implementation of Step 68 of the National Plan for the transition to a new model of governance of the civil aviation industry was highly acknowledged by the ICAO auditors. Thus, according to the preliminary results of the ICAO audit conducted from August 2 to 11, 2021 on flight safety, Kazakhstan exceeded the global average level of compliance with ICAO standards by 15% and reached 84%.

Increased compliance with ICAO standards has been demonstrated in the following audit areas:

– Primary Aviation Legislation (LEG) from 61% to 81%;
– Civil Aviation Organization (ORG) from 37% to 75%;
– Air Navigation Services (ANS) from 87% to 95%;
– Aerodromes and Ground Aids (AGA) from 56% to 90%;
– Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation (AIG) from 47% to 53%.

Kazakhstan has achieved an average level of compliance with ICAO standards of member countries of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) (84%). Currently, according to this indicator, we are above many European countries and are on par with such European countries as the Netherlands – 87%; Belgium – 87%; Portugal – 87%; Czech Republic – 87%; Latvia – 86%; Denmark – 85%; Iceland – 84%; Poland – 84%; Slovenia – 82%, Cyprus – 82%.

The results will soon be officially published on the ICAO website and will be available to all States.

This ICAO audit was aimed at assessing the new approach to the governance of the civil aviation industry and the progress made by Kazakhstan in addressing previously identified safety oversight concerns. In general, ICAO will initiate a country audit in the event of significant changes in industry regulation. Kazakhstan’s initiative under the National Plan to transform the country’s safety oversight was positively assessed by this independent ICAO assessment carried out by auditors from ICAO Headquarters, the European Regional Office, and an ICAO Member State.

ICAO auditors noted the fruitful work carried out by the Civil Aviation Committee and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan and the significant progress achieved since the launch of the new governance approach.

The absence of significant remarks on flight safety in Kazakhstan allows airlines to freely operate flights to the countries of the European Union by applying for a third country operator approval.
It should be noted that today Kazakhstan has no threats to get its domestic airlines included in the “black list” of the European Commission and to impose sanctions or restrictions on flights to foreign countries