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How Civil Aviation and Judicial Authorities can collaborate better under the ICAO aviation legal framework


At the invitation of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), representatives of the Main Transport Prosecutor's Office, together with employees of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, participated in an international seminar in France dedicated to International Air Law Agreements.

It is important to note that the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan maintain constant cooperation with the Main Transport Prosecutor's Office.

The seminar, which brought together leading experts in aviation law and regulation, aimed to highlight the benefits and obligations of states in ratifying certain documents of international air law, as well as to discuss current issues in civil aviation regulation.

Special attention was paid to the interaction between specialized organizations and national government bodies, as well as international organizations administering the field of air transport.

It is worth noting that the participation of employees of the Main Transport Prosecutor's Office in the ICAO seminar took place for the first time and underscores the importance of international cooperation and exchange of experience to enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement practice.