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The Head of Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Republic of Kazakhstan (MIIR RK) has met with the Ambassador of the European Union in Kazakhstan and the delegation of the European Commission


The Minister of MIIR RK Beibut Atamkulov has met with the Ambassador of the European Union in Kazakhstan Kestutis Yankauskas and the delegation of the European Commission with the participation of representatives of the European Aviation Safety Agency and aviation authorities of the European Union.

The European delegation has arrived to assess the safety oversight system in the country for compliance with ICAO standards and to verify the functioning of the certification and supervision system of local airlines.

The Commission's experts will check the ability of the aviation authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan to exercise effective control and supervision over civil aircraft operators in Kazakhstan. The visit will be aimed at confirming that the country's aviation authorities can not only ensure compliance with flight safety rules but also identify any significant risks to flight safety and take adequate measures to control them. The Minister noted that a lot of work has been done in this direction, and we are ready to demonstrate progress in improving flight safety in the country.

Thus, a major reform was performed in the approaches to the management of civil aviation. The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan was established in the country, the main functions of which are technical control and supervision over flight safety and aviation security. An agreement has been concluded with the British Civil Aviation Agency (UK CAA).  This new model of regulation of the civil aviation industry fully complies with the ICAO standards. In August 2021, the work carried out by the Ministry was highly appreciated during the ICAO validation mission, and the level of compliance with ICAO standards in Kazakhstan increased from 74% to 84%, 15%, which is higher than the global average.


For reference:

The increase in compliance with ICAO standards was demonstrated in almost all indicators.

- Basic Aviation Legislation (LEG) from 61% to 81%;

- Civil Aviation Organization (ORG) from 37% to 75%;

- Air Navigation Services (ANS) from 87% to 95%;

- Airfields and Ground facilities (AGA) from 56% to 90%;

- Accident and Incident Investigation (AIG) from 47% to 53%).

As a result, Kazakhstan has reached the level of developed countries, such as the Netherlands - 87%; Belgium - 87%; Portugal - 87%; Czech Republic - 87%; Latvia - 86%; Denmark - 85%; Iceland - 84%; Poland - 84%; Slovenia - 82%, Cyprus - 82%.