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Happy 30th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan!


Civil aviation of Kazakhstan is the cornerstone of our statehood; it is the artery of the economy, which directly affects the socio-economic situation and well-being of our people.

For 30 years of Independence, the flight safety index has been raised to the level of developed countries. Following an independent audit of the industry by ICAO auditors as part of the ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission (ICVM), Kazakhstan raised its level of aviation safety from 74% to 84%. That is 15% higher than the global average.

Fundamental reform of civil aviation management approaches has been carried out. This approach was implemented for the first time in Kazakhstan and is unique among the CIS countries. The measures taken have improved the efficiency of control and oversight and enhanced the image of Kazakhstan's civil aviation in the international arena.

To expand flights' geography and ensure transport accessibility, Open Skies mode was introduced at 11 airports in Kazakhstan. Completely new international flights of 24 countries on 68 routes were resumed and opened, representing 66% of the pre-pandemic period.

Over the years of Independence, reconstruction/construction of runways in 18 airports and reconstruction/construction of terminals in 13 airports were carried out. In 2020, the airport in Turkestan was built, becoming the first new greenfield airport in independent Kazakhstan.

Great importance is given to the development of digitalization in the industry. The e-Freight project of paperless document management in air cargo transportation is being implemented. EGov Mobile, a digital document service for confirming personal data, has been introduced.

We congratulate all citizens of Kazakhstan and workers in the civil aviation industry on the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan! We sincerely wish you all clear skies, further success, prosperity and achieving your goals for the benefit of Kazakhstan.