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The global aviation industry is one of the most affected areas by the coronavirus pandemic


The global aviation industry is one of the most affected areas by the coronavirus pandemic and is experiencing the worst crisis in its history. Unfortunately, the negative consequences of the spread of infection also affected the civil aviation industry of Kazakhstan.

Only on the basis of decisions In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Kazakhstan, the state Commission has reduced the number of 438 flights per week to international destinations (from 442 to 440) on 97 routes or 99% of all international flights.

All scheduled domestic flights have been closed and there are currently no regular air services in the country.

If until March 22, 2020, 540 flights a week were operated on 45 domestic routes (77 flights a day), then from April 2, 2020, all domestic regular flights between the cities of Kazakhstan were suspended.

According to forecasts of the International civil aviation organization (ICAO)in the first half of 2020, the number of seats offered by airlines will decrease by 51%, and the number of passengers transported will also decrease by 500 million. At the same time, the operating losses of airlines will amount to 124 billion us dollars.

The international air transport Association (IATA) estimates the industry’s revenue loss from passengers in 2020 at us $ 252 billion.

According to forecast data, the number of passengers transported in Kazakhstan decreased by 70% in March-April 2020. From the reduction and restriction of flights, domestic airlines lost 235 billion tenge, airports 24.5 billion tenge, RSE “kazaeronavigatsiya” 28 billion tenge.

Along with other industries, civil aviation actively participates in the evacuation of citizens, in the transportation of humanitarian goods, and it should also be noted the dedication of aviation personnel in organizing repatriation flights.

Today, the air transport sector needs state support measures. And in this direction, we are actively working to take appropriate actions to minimize the consequences of the pandemic and prepare for the restoration of the civil aviation industry in Kazakhstan.

All international experts say that nothing like this has ever happened in the history of aviation.