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In framework of experience-sharing mission, a Kazakhstan delegation of aviation officials evaluated Romania's civil aviation system


A delegation from the Aviation administration of Kazakhstan visited the civil aviation authorities in Romania and the Henri Coanda International Airport in Bucharest.
The following topics were covered during the visit: unmanned aerial systems, dangerous goodstransportation, air navigation, aerodromes (heliports)and ground handling; licensing; examination activities; and flight safety and aviation security. Processes in airnavigation were studied to assess the impact on flightsafety of proposed facilities in terms of the effects onestablished instrumental patterns of approach andground navigation aid protection zones. Alsodemonstrated was the ability to issue NOTAM noticesabout expected or actual disruptions in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) satellite signal quality. Also revealed was the power to issue NOTAM noticesabout expected or actual disruptions in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) satellite signal quality. Also demonstrated was the ability to issue NOTAM notices about expected or actual disruptions in GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) satellite signalquality.

The meeting with the management and specialists of the aerodrome and ground handling department was arranged. During the meeting, the questions ofaerodrome (heliport) certification for public access, certification of general aviation aerodromes, procedures for issuing permits for construction ofbuildings and structures in vicinity of aerodromes; wildlife hazard management, certification of groundservice providers, and requirements for apron management service providers were discussed.

A tour of Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport, including the apron management service, rescue and firefighting services were conducted.

Also, the air navigation service provider's controlcenter and the air traffic controller training facilitywere visited (ATC).

Processes for obtaining licenses, acceptance ofinternational aviation personnel credentials underEuropean Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) standards, qualification assessment procedures, and accreditationof aviation training facilities were also looked into. Also, coworkers from the Romanian regulatordiscussed their expertise in software creation foraccounting and preserving information on industryexperts. The Romanian aviation authorities organizedvisits to operators and manufacturers of unmannedaerial systems to familiarize them with their operationsand to discuss the issues that arose while operatingwithin the framework of a single European legislation.

The experience of Romanian colleagues was studied interms of issuing exemptions from technicalinstructions, control and supervision of civil aviation, regulatory and legal regulation, implementation ofEASA standards, apron checks of foreign aircraftoperators (SAFA), implementation of the competency-based approach in training, and regulation ofradioactive substance transportation. In terms ofaviation security, it investigated the state regulatorysystem, mechanisms, and functions to ensure aviationsecurity measures, the application of ICAO standardsand recommended practices, the implementation of EU standards (ECAC), aviation security regulations, andthe practical management of security services atairports and airlines. The delegation was introduced tothe mechanism for calculating aviation security tariffs, the equipment and maintenance of the Bucharestairport aviation security service, quality control andaviation security supervision, and interaction with stateand special authorities. One of the exciting experiencesfor our country's implementation is that in Romanianairports, all aviation security inspections, namely ofpassengers, baggage, cargo, mail, onboard meals, andall persons and goods entering the airport's controlledarea, are performed by a single State Operator.

To ensure the operation of the aviation security servicein the country's airports, a fee for aviation security inthe amount of 6-7 euros per departing passenger islevied, a portion of which is used to fund the activitiesof the Civil Aviation Administration of Romania'saviation security department. This methoddemonstrates its effectiveness and effectively ensuresthe aviation security of the nations of the European Union.

The meeting gave the experts valuable internationalexperience in the flight safety and aviation securitysystem according to EU standards, which they willutilize to enhance the Republic of Kazakhstan's publicadministration system for the civil aviation industry.