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Family day


The family is the basis of a happy life for all people. Family Day was established in Kazakhstan in 2013 and has been celebrated every second Sunday in September since then. In 2021, this date falls on September 12th.

The Library of Elbasy has prepared a video on the importance and value of the family hearth as a link between generations, preserving spiritual and cultural traditions. The first President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev said: “It is not the decoration that brings happiness to the house, but order in it, mutual respect and harmony in the family.”

Only in the first quarter of 2021, 100.5 thousand children were born in Kazakhstan.

“In the year of the 30th anniversary of independence, the population of Kazakhstan crossed a historical milestone: Zhaniya Azamatkyzy from the Almaty region became the 19 millionth citizen!” Head of State K.K.Tokayev noted with pride.

We congratulate the people of Kazakhstan on Family Day and wish everyone good health and family well-being. A happy family is a prosperous Kazakhstan!