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Establishment of Honor Day of the Aviation Security Service employees


On February 1, 1991, the Aviation Security Service (ASS) was formed for the first time in the country by the order of the commander of the Almaty aviation detachment of the Kazakh SSR at the Almaty airport.

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the first Aviation Security Service and in accordance with the decision of the participants of the Republican Meeting on Aviation Security held on December 24, 2019, in the promotion and recognition of the importance of the ASS activities by order of the Director General of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC, February 1 of each calendar year was established as the Day of honoring veterans and active employees of the Aviation Security Services.

Currently, airports and airlines performing scheduled air services, as well as air navigation service providers, have in their structure an ASS, equipped with technical means and personnel, ensuring the protection of civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference, which is a cohesive structure of more than 2,500 specialists, which is the most numerous service of all divisions of the airports.
At the stage of the formation of the ASS of civil aviation, a number of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of aviation security were developed and introduced.

In general, the built system of aviation security in Kazakhstan meets the advanced international requirements and standards. In November 2017, the Civil Aviation Committee of Kazakhstan successfully passed the aviation security audit of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). According to the results of which, Kazakhstan showed quite high indicators – 83%, which is 11% higher than the world average (72%) and 21% higher than the last audit that took place in 2009 (62%).

The establishment of the day of honoring veterans and active employees of the Aviation Security Services will give impetus to the development of professional, corporate and team spirit, as well as a sustainable social level of employees.