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Election of a representative of Kazakhstan to the JARUS Vice President position


Representatives from Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan Catalin Radu – director general and Vladimir Koshmanov – UAS department director attended in the plenary meeting of the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) held from September 18 to 22, 2023 in Ottawa (Canada). During this event an election of the deputy chairman of the Asia/Australia region was performed. By the voting results of JARUS member-states, the Director General of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, Mr. Catalin Radu, was elected as the JARUS Vice-Chair for Asia/Australia.

JARUS members and representatives recognize the Asian region as one of the key regions in fostering unmanned aviation. The participants also noted the contribution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in active cooperation and the desire for harmonization with international standards.

The election of a representative from the Republic of Kazakhstan to the post of Vice-Chair of JARUS will have a positive impact on the advancement of legislation and the implementation of international standards in unmanned aviation.

Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) unites civil aviation authorities of different countries with the main goal of developing commonly agreed international principles in unmanned aviation. JARUS promotes cooperation between the member states and serves as a central body for sharing experience and best practices in the regulation of unmanned aviation.

The Republic of Kazakhstan actively participates in the activities of the JARUS, seeking to contribute to the development of common principles that could consider unique specifics of the operation of unmanned aviation systems in the country.

Furthermore, it was agreed that next JARUS plenary meeting will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan in May 2024.