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The dynamics of key indicators in civil aviation Kazakhstan shows growth


As stated by the Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Beibut Atamkulov, when speaking at a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development of civil aviation.
«In the first 8 months of this year, the number of passengers increased by 6.3%, transported 5.6 million passengers, which is 1.8% more than the same period last year.

Over the past 7 years transit passenger traffic has increased 45 times. We plan to increase this figure to 1 million transit passengers this year», - the Minister stressed.
Today, according to ICAO standards on the level of flight safety, Kazakhstan ranks II among the CIS countries with an indicator of 74%, and the level of airport security is 83%.
Achievements of Kazakhstan in the field of aviation security were awarded by the ICAO Council on September 24, 2019.
On August 1, the Joint Stock Company «Aviation administration of Kazakhstan» with 100% state participation began to function.

«The main functions of this organization are technical control, supervision of airlines and aircrafts, and personnel training in compliance with ICAO standards. An experienced foreign manager in the field of civil aviation was invited as the head of the company. Commitments to the European Commission on the implementation of the European surveillance system will be fulfilled. An agreement with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (UKCAAi) will be signed. Now the leading european experts of the British Agency will provide Kazakhstan with technical support for the implementation of european safety standards», - Beibut Atamkulov said.
Currently there are 59 airlines operating in the country. 9 Kazakh airlines have access to flights to the European Union. In the domestic market, 8 Kazakh airlines operate flights on 54 routes.
893 aircraft are registered in the State register of aircraft.

The UK Civil Aviation Authority is the independent regulator for civil aviation and is accountable to the Department for Transport of UK. The level of compliance with ICAO requirements is 93 % and ranks 8th in the world. The same approach is applied by many of the leading countries with extensive experience in civil aviation (USA, UAE, Australia, France, etc.)