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Conference: Topical issues of aviation medicine in flight safety


III Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical issues of aviation medicine in flight safety" will be held online on October 29, 2021. Conference Organizer is Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC. The purpose of the conference is to discuss topical issues and improve the work of civil aviation medical service in ensuring flight safety, including emergency and quarantine regime. The purpose of the conference is to discuss topical issues and improve the work of the civil aviation medical service in ensuring flight safety, including the emergency and quarantine regime.

The main directions of the conference:

  • Regulatory and legal support in the field of medical flight safety.

  • Training of aviation doctors and provision of medical personnel.

  • Improvement of medical examination of aviation personnel and monitoring the state of health in the period between medical examinations.

  • Quality control of aviation medical services provided to aviation personnel, passengers at the airport and on board the aircraft.

  • Protection of the rights of aviation doctors and aviation personnel.

  • The impact of quarantine restrictions on the work of air transport, airlines, aircraft crews and aviation medical specialists.

  • Aviation medical problems in the context of a COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Modern requirements for the provision of sanitary and epidemiological regime in airport medical centers, airlines, aviation medical centers.

  • Improvement of measures of rapid response and response to sanitary and epidemiological well-being emergencies in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of domestic and international flights.


During the conference, a dialogue is provided between Heads of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological control on Transport,  Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, Representatives of airlines and airports, Occupational health and safety engineers,* Medical workers of airlines and airports, Aviation Medical Experts, and interested organizations and other specialists related to the field of civil aviation.

As a result of the conference, the conference participants are expected to get an extended perception of the topical issues of medical support to flight safety, including during COVID-19, issues of pre-shift (pre-flight) and periodic mandatory medical examinations of decreed groups in civil aviation, the features of work during quarantine. Familiarization with the experience of Aviation Medical Experts in neighboring countries and increasing the level of knowledge in the rules of medical examination and ensuring flight safety.


Working language of the conference: Kazakh, Russian.

Registration of participants: on October 29, 2021 from 8-30 to 9-45.

The conference starts at 10-00.

Conference schedule:

Plenary session is from 10-00 to 18-00. Lunch from 13-00 to 14-00.

The time for a speech (presentation of a report) is 15-20 minutes.

Speeches in the debate after the end of the report – up to 5 minutes.

Applications for participation in the conference, making speeches, suggestions on specialists who can be invited as chairmen and speakers, should be submitted to the Organizing Committee until October 20, 2021 to the address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000 Nur-Sultan, Mangilik El av., bldg., 55/15, Block C2.3. Phone number: 8 (7172) 798235.

E-mail: baltabek.duskinov@aaq.kz or Yerden.Zhakupov@aaq.kz .

In order to introduce the conference participant who is making a report, we ask you to submit: full name, place of work/position, academic degrees, titles, etc.

Abstracts of the report with a volume of up to 2 pages with a summary of up to 10 lines must be sent by October 20, 2021 to Zhakupov Ye. Sh. to the e-mail: Yerden.Zhakupov@aaq.kz .

Registered participants of the conference will be issued a certificate of participation. Further information on organizational issues will be sent additionally.