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Conference: “Topical issues of aviation medicine in ensuring flight safety.”


The III Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Issues of Aviation Medicine in Ensuring Flight Safety" online. The conference was attended by about 100 medical workers of aviation medicine, doctors and experts of aviation medical centres, airlines and airports, airline employees and medical specialists from neighbouring countries: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova, the Kyrgyz Republic.

The purpose of the event is to expand the dialogue between participants in medical support of flights, organise a discussion on topical issues and problems of legal regulation in the field of medical help, medical examination, medical assistance to passengers in the civil aviation of Kazakhstan, sanitary and epidemiological support in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The conference participants got acquainted with the experience of aviation medical experts in neighbouring countries. They increased the level of knowledge in the rules of medical examination and medical provision of flight safety.

As part of the event, the Director General of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan spoke about the impact of the current pandemic on air transport, airlines, crews and aviation medical specialists. Based on ICAO recommendations, the AAK issued an order to extend the validity of the medical certificate to support the civil aviation industry, advised the airline and airports on the barriers to the non-proliferation of coronavirus infection. AAK medical staff are actively involved in the meeting of the CAPSCA Cooperation Agreement on the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation.

The conference was attended by representatives of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, the Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova, the State Civil Aviation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakh airlines, as well as aviation medical experts.

The reports focused on the role of an expert in managing medical risks in medical safety of flights, organising medical care for passengers on board an aircraft and requirements at each stage of medical care, issues of the human factor in aviation, the implementation of EASA requirements for medical examination, the main problems of aviation medicine and ways her decisions. Patterns of interaction were outlined, practical advice on improving the sanitary condition at airports and onboard aircraft, preventing COVID-19 in civil aviation.

In addition, the sides discussed issues of compliance with sanitary standards at airports, onboard an aircraft, issues of making expert decisions after rectal cancer, coronary artery bypass grafting. Several measures were proposed to make additions and changes to regulatory legal acts, including those regulating issues of aviation medicine.