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The children took an excursion into the world of aviation


On the eve of Children's Day, the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, with the support of the Civil Aviation Committee, organized an excursion at Astana airport for children from large families, schoolchildren and children of aviation industry employees.

According to the program of the event, the children visited various areas of the airport: check-in, screening, boarding, baggage sorting, CIP hall, control room and fire services. Each zone was presented in an accessible way, which allowed participants to learn about the work of the airport and feel like a part of the aviation world.

The children were the first to visit the baggage screening and sorting area, where Gulmira Akhmetova, the manager of the passenger service, conducted an excursion for the participants, telling them about the importance of their work.

The pilot of Air Astana Ilyas Isabayev showed the work of simulators at the aviation training center, where participants experienced realistic flight conditions. The children were also shown instructions on how to act in emergency situations. The young guests talked with the pilots, flight attendants and engineers, boarded the aircraft, where they were explained the work of the cockpit.

Particular attention was drawn to the demonstration of the skills of a cynologist, an inspector-counselor of service dogs of the cynological department of the SUB Nurzhan Galymov with a dog who showed his skills in search and detection.

The children saw the work of fire safety at the airport, including a demonstration of fire equipment and a car. The fire safety staff told and showed all aspects of their work, demonstrating important elements of ensuring security at the airport.

The purpose of the event was to increase children's interest in the aviation industry, focusing on flight safety and aviation safety, passenger service and new technologies, develop their social skills, broaden their horizons and nurture new personnel – future aviation professionals.

At the end of the event, the Head of the Department of International Air Regulation of the CAC, Adlet Kobenov, and the Deputy Chairman of the Board for Finance of Astana International Airport, Gulbakhyt Kayyrbekova, made speeches. They thanked the children for their active participation and presented them with memorable gifts.

The tour gave the children a lot of new knowledge and inspiration. Many of the participants expressed a desire to work in the aviation industry, being interested in the professions of pilots and flight attendants. The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan hopes that such events will become a tradition, opening the doors to the world of aviation for children.

We thank Astana International Airport and Air Astana for their assistance in conducting the tour.