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The capital airport’s screening checkpoints were evaluated by experts from the US Transportation Security Administration for their condition and compliance with US standards


The Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan (AAK) and the capital airport were visited by TSA experts between August 3 and 4, 2022, with assistance from the US Embassy in Kazakhstan, to undertake an initial assessment of the state of the screening checkpoints and their adherence to American standards. The TSA experts are in town again. The first visit occurred in October 2021, and during that time TSA experts emphasized the high level of aviation security in the nation and gave a favorable evaluation of the steps done to safeguard civil aviation from unauthorized intervention.

The experts' focus during this visit was on the security checkpoints at the Nur-Sultan airport as well as the passenger, hand luggage, baggage, and cargo screening checkpoints. The status and equipment of screening checkpoints on direct flights to the United States are of special concern to experts.

The specialists offered a favorable evaluation of the state of the screening points and security checkpoints based on the findings of the technical visit. At the screening locations, it was observed that the aviation security service workers worked in unison.

Individual screening sites that will presumably serve flights to the United States are advised to be outfitted with cutting-edge technological security screening tools including body scanners and explosives detectors, which scan people in three dimensions. It is suggested to carry out an ergonomic rearrangement of some points and deploy body scanners for passenger screening to speed up the flow of passengers through the screening points.

The US Embassy's Export Control and Border Security Program representatives are debating whether to educate inspectors at screening locations in accordance with TSA standards and whether to donate screening equipment on the program's dime.

Following the technical visit's findings, it was determined that, in conjunction with the start of direct flights to the USA, cooperation between the Kazakhstani Aviation Administration and the US Transportation Security Administration would be maintained and expanded.