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Canadian aviation authorities study Kazakhstan’s experience in aviation security


As part of the ICAO initiative "No Country Left Behind" was held a working meeting of representatives of the Civil Aviation Committee and "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" JSC with a delegation from Canada on aviation security.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Civil Aviation Committee of MIID RK, "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" JSC specialists and representatives of the Department of Aviation Security of the Ministry of Canada. During the conversation, proposals for the exchange of experience in the field of aviation security were considered, in particular: quality control system management, classification of insider threats, implementation of effective cybersecurity protection measures, risk management in the field of aviation security.

Representatives of the aviation authorities of Canada shared their experience in the field of protection of civil aviation from threats related to unmanned aerial vehicles. In support of the development of bilateral cooperation and achieving a high level of aviation safety indicators, it is planned to consider aviation inspectors training in compliance with international ICAO rules and standards at the canadian site.

Familiarization materials with the methodology and mechanisms of aviation security management used in Canada are provided. In turn, "Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan" JSC acquainted the delegation from Canada with the current legislation and the aviation security management system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of the visit, together with employees of the aviation authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the delegation from Canada visited the Nur-Sultan International Airport. A working meeting with air Astana is also planned during the visit of the delegation.