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Boeing intends to work closely with aviation authorities of Kazakhstan


Boeing subject matter experts visited the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan as part of the agreements reached between the aviation authorities of Kazakhstan and Boeing.

Boeing delegation was represented by Mario Antonio Ebcim, Regional Director for Commercial Marketing and Business Development in Eurasia, Dale Johnson, Senior Program Manager for Systems Safety and Regulatory Affairs and Henry Herbert, Senior Program Manager for Global Safety and Regulatory Affairs, Product and Services Safety (P&SS). The purpose of the engagements is to further assist in improving Kazakhstan’s aviation safety oversight capabilities.

During the visit, Boeing officials also had a meeting with Talgat Lastayev, Сhairman of the Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industries and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan. At the meeting, the parties agreed to arrange a training program “Airline Planning Workshop” for commercial aviation employees of Kazakhstan with Boeing representatives’ active involvement. Officials of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan, including its head Catalin Radu, also joined the meeting.

The visit is targeted to explore opportunities of cooperation that could potentially be formalized in a MoC/MoU later on. With Boeing’s advisory role, the areas of collaboration could include the regulating framework of Kazakhstan for the forthcoming FAA International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA), facilitation of the launch of direct flights between Kazakhstan and the U.S. and potentially other subjects.