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Based on the resignation letter submitted on 7 December 2021 Peter Griffiths will be released from the post of General Director of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC as of 7 February 2022


Based on the resignation letter submitted on 7 December 2021 Peter Griffiths will be released from the post of General Director of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC as of 7 February 2022.
Peter Griffiths has worked for over 2 years since the establishment of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC and made great contribution in establishment of aviation regulator.

Under his leadership Aviation Administration was established in accordance with the advanced European model of civil aviation management. This approach was implemented for the first time in Kazakhstan, and is unique among the CIS countries.

As a result of an independent audit of the industry by ICAO auditors as part of the ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission (ICVM), conducted during 2 to 11 August 2021, Kazakhstan has exceeded the average global level of compliance with ICAO standards by 15% and reached 84%.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Peter Griffiths for his successful cooperation and professionalism in working together!

Linda Orlady will be Acting General Director of Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan JSC starting from February 7, 2022. She has been the First Deputy General Director, Head of Flight Safety since December 2019.